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Statistics II (SSC3018)


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€31,00 per uur.


€15,50 per uur.

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Beschikbaar tot 15 april 2023.

Op een gestructureerde manier de stof leren.

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Op een gestructureerde manier een vreemde taal leren.

Meer zelfvertrouwen in je taalgebruik.

Gefocust en gemotiveerd leren.

Algemene informatie


University College Maastricht


All exam material



In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).


In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).


Differs per session, check the program for this.

Over de student-docent

[titel(Review hypothesis testing)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How do we test hypotheses?; Null and alternative hypothesis; Estimate; Critical values; p-value; Alpha level; Confidence interval; Margin of Error; Type I and Type II errors; Power & effect sizes. What basic statistics test can be conducted? One proportion z-test; Two proportions z-tests; One sample t-test for the mean; Two samples t-test - compare means; Paired samples t-test. Discussion and explanation.)duur(90 minuten)]

[titel(Chi square for categorical data)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How to investigate categorical variables?; Contingency tables; Goodness of fit test; Chi square test of homogeneity; Chi square test for independence. Explanation and exercises.)duur(90 minuten)]

[titel(ANOVA [analysis of variance])beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How can we analyze the difference and the variation of means between groups?; One way ANOVA; Null and alternative hypotheses; Assumptions; ANOVA table; ANOVA model; Residuals; F model; Mean sum of squares; F-statistics; F-test; Bonferroni correction. Explanation and exercises.)duur(120 minuten)]

[titel(Multivariate ANOVA)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How can we compare the variance when we have more categorical variables?; Null and alternative hypothesis; Assumptions; ANOVA model; Interaction term. Explanation and exercises.)duur(90 minuten)]

[titel(Linear Regression)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How can we understand the relationship between two numerical variables?; Scatterplots; Correlation & correlation coefficient; Regression equation; Residuals; R-squared and model fit; Outliers, leverage & influence; Re-expressing data [log]; Regression analysis; Assumptions; Regression slope t-test; Interpretation of 95%CI, slope, intercept; Logistic regression. Explanation and exercises.)duur(120 minuten)]

[titel(Multiple regression)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How can we understand the relationship between more than two numerical variables?; Multiple regression model; Assumptions; ANOVA table for model fit; Multiple regression inference; Adjusted R square. Explanation and exercises.)duur(90 minuten)]

[titel(Multiple regression wisdom)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: What else can we do to understand the relationship between two numerical variables?; Multiple regression with dummy variables; Interaction terms; Influential cases; Leverage; Residuals; Cook’s distance; Parsimonious models; Stepwise regression; Collinearity. Explanation and exercises.)duur(120 minuten)]

[titel(Exam)beschrijving(Exam simulation: 90 minutes exam, 90 minutes correction.)duur(180 minuten)]

[titel(SPSS)beschrijving(Answering questions about SPSS exercises. Discussion and exercises.)duur(120 minuten)]

Basis programma



23 juli 2023


Hier komt een korte beschrijving.

45 minuten

[titel(Review hypothesis testing & Chi square for categorical data)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How do we test hypotheses?; Null and alternative hypothesis; p-value; Alpha level; Confidence interval; Type I and Type II errors; Power & effect sizes. How to investigate categorical variables?; Goodness of fit test; Chi square test of homogeneity; Chi square test for independence. Discussion, explanation, and exercises.)duur(60 minuten)]

[titel(ANOVA & Multivariate ANOVA)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How can we analyze the difference and the variation of means between groups?; One-way ANOVA; ANOVA table; ANOVA model; F model; F-statistics; F-test. How can we compare the variance when we have more categorical variables?; Assumptions; ANOVA model; Interaction term. Explanation and exercises.)duur(60 minuten)]

[titel(Linear Regression)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How can we understand the relationship between two numerical variables?; Correlation & correlation coefficient; Regression equation; R-squared and model fit; Outliers, leverage & influence; Regression analysis. Explanation and exercises.)duur(60 minuten)]

[titel(Multiple regression)beschrijving(We will discuss the following concepts and questions: How can we understand the relationship between more than two numerical variables?; Multiple regression model; Multiple regression inference; Adjusted R square; Multiple regression with dummy variables; Interaction terms; Influential cases; Parsimonious models; Stepwise regression; Collinearity. Explanation and exercises.)duur(60 minuten)]

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Statistics II (SSC3018)


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