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Language Course



Are you just not getting the hang of that one subject? Are you looking for a structured way to learn a lot? With our training courses, you dive into the material very intensively.

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€31.00 per hour.

Group lessons

€15.50 per hour.

Early-bird discount

Available until April 15, 2023.

Learn structured material and study skills

More confidence and less stress

Focused and motivated learning

Learn a foreign language in a structured way

More confidence in using language

Focused and motivated learning

General information


Vwo 6


All exam material. The lessons will be in dutch.

Working method


In consultation between student-tutor and participant (s).


In consultation between student-tutor and participant (s).


Varies by session, see program.

About the student lecturer

[titel(Prehistory: Time of Hunters and Farmers, up to 3000 BC) beschrijving(Explanation of tackling a history exam question: Key characteristics; Cause and effect. Explanation and exercises on: Lifestyle of hunter-gatherers; Agriculture and agricultural societies; Urban communities.) duur(45 minutes)]

[titel(Antiquity: Time of Greeks and Romans, 3000 BC - 500 AD) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Scientific thinking and citizenship in the Greek city-state; Classical forms of Greek-Roman culture; Growth of the Roman Empire; Confrontation between Greek-Roman and Germanic culture; Development of Judaism and Christianity.) duur(60 minutes)]

[titel(Middle Ages: Time of Monks and Knights, 500 - 1000) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Spread of Christianity; Emergence and spread of Islam; Replacement of agrarian-urban culture by self-sufficient agrarian culture; Emergence of feudal relationships.) duur(60 minutes)]

[titel(Middle Ages: Time of Cities and States, 1000 - 1500) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Rise of trade and crafts; Rise of the urban bourgeoisie; Beginning of state formation and centralization; Conflict in the Christian world about primacy; Expansion of the Christian world, crusades; Beginning of state formation and centralization.) duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Early Modern Period: Time of Explorers and Reformers, 1500 - 1600) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: European overseas expansion; Changed human and world view of the Renaissance; Renewed orientation on classical antiquity; Protestant Reformation; Establishment of a Dutch state.) duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(Early Modern Period: Time of Regents and Monarchs, 1600 - 1700) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Ambition of monarchs for absolute power; Unique position of the Dutch Republic; Beginning of a global economy; Scientific revolution.) duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Early Modern Period: Time of Wigs and Revolutions, 1700 - 1800) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Rational optimism and "Enlightened thinking"; Continuation of the ancien régime; Expansion of European domination; Democratic revolutions in Western countries.) duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Modern Period: Time of Citizens and Steam Engines, 1800 - 1900) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Industrial revolution; Debates about the social issue; Modern form of imperialism; Rise of emancipation movements; Advancing democratization; Rise of political-social movements.) duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(Modern Period: Time of World Wars, 1900 - 1950) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Modern propaganda and communication tools; Totalitarian ideologies; Crisis of global capitalism; Two world wars; Racism and discrimination leading to genocide; German occupation of the Netherlands; Destruction by weapons of mass destruction; Resistance against Western European imperialism.) duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(Modern Period: Time of Television and Computer, from 1950) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Division of the world into ideological blocs; Decolonization ending Western hegemony; European unification; Increasing Western prosperity; Development of pluralistic and multicultural societies.) duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Historical Context on Cities and Citizens in the Low Countries, 1050 - 1700) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Rise of the urban bourgeoisie in the Dutch provinces; Influence of socio-economic and political developments on the position of the urban bourgeoisie in the Dutch provinces; Influence of the bourgeoisie on developments in the Republic during the Golden Age.) duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(Historical Context on the Enlightenment, 1650 - 1900) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Ideas that emerged during the Enlightenment about a more just society; Enlightenment ideas practiced during the democratic revolutions in the United States and France; Influence of Enlightenment ideas on political culture in Europe.) duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(Historical Context on China, 1842 - 2001) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: China losing its position as a regional superpower; Emergence of the People's Republic of China; Development of the People's Republic into a superpower.) duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(Historical Context on Germany in Europe, 1918 - 1991) beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: The rise of National Socialism and its consequences for Germany and Europe; Influence of the Cold War on Germany's development after World War II; Reunification of the two Germanys and successful integration into Europe.) duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(All Domains)beschrijving(Practicing an old exam and discussing the answers afterwards.) duur(240 minutes)]

Basic programme



July 23, 2023


Here is a brief description.

45 minutes

[titel(Approach to Exam Questions) beschrijving(Steps on how to tackle an exam question: Cause and effect; Sequence questions; Key characteristics.) duur(15 minutes)]

[titel(Historical Context on Cities and Citizens in the Low Countries, 1050 - 1700) beschrijving(Explanation on: Rise of the urban bourgeoisie in Dutch provinces; Influence of socio-economic and political developments on the position of the urban bourgeoisie in Dutch provinces; Influence of the bourgeoisie on developments in the Republic during the Golden Age.) duur(30 minutes)]

[titel(Historical Context on the Enlightenment, 1650 - 1900) beschrijving(Explanation on: Ideas that emerged during the Enlightenment about a more just society; Enlightenment ideas practiced during the democratic revolutions in the United States and France; Influence of Enlightenment ideas on political culture in Europe.) duur(30 minutes)]

[titel(Historical Context on China, 1842 - 2001) beschrijving(Explanation on: China losing its position as a regional superpower; Emergence of the People's Republic of China; Development of the People's Republic into a superpower.) duur(30 minutes)]

[titel(Historical Context on Germany in Europe, 1918 - 1991) beschrijving(Explanation on: The rise of National Socialism and its consequences for Germany and Europe; Influence of the Cold War on Germany's development after World War II; Reunification of the two Germanys and successful integration into Europe.) duur(30 minutes)]

[titel(Practice Exam) beschrijving(Taking and discussing a practice exam.) duur(150 minutes)][titel(Q&A Time) beschrijving(Answering questions about all key characteristics.) duur(90 minutes)]

Abbreviated programme

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