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Language Course

Business Economics


Are you just not getting the hang of that one subject? Are you looking for a structured way to learn a lot? With our training courses, you dive into the material very intensively.

Wil je je spreekvaardigheid verbeteren? Of wil je professionele e-mails (beter) leren schrijven? Misschien wil jij je simpelweg comfortabeler voelen in het spreken van een andere taal?

Jij leert de taal zoals jij die nodig hebt!



€31.00 per hour.

Group lessons

€15.50 per hour.

Early-bird discount

Available until April 15, 2023.

Learn structured material and study skills

More confidence and less stress

Focused and motivated learning

Learn a foreign language in a structured way

More confidence in using language

Focused and motivated learning

General information


Vwo 6


All exam material. The lessons will be in dutch.

Working method


In consultation between student-tutor and participant (s).


In consultation between student-tutor and participant (s).


Varies by session, see program.

About the student lecturer

[titel(Mathematics)beschrijving(Explanation and practice assignments about: Income Tax; Single Interest; Compound Interest; Search Unknown; Working with Sources.)duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(Domain B: From person to legal person)beschrijving(Explanation and practice assignments about: Choosing an education; Insurance; Mortgage loans; Consumer credit; Interest; Variable time; Converting percentages; Voluntary and mandatory savings; Stock exchange; Options; Renting and buying a home; Forms of society; Donating; Inheriting; Own business; Comparing your own business and working for an employer; Legal forms; Non-commercial legal forms; Termination of organizations; Size of organizations.)duur(180 minutes)]

[titel(Domain C: Internal organization and personnel policy)beschrijving(Explanation and exercise assignments about: Employment contracts and freelancers; Dismissal law; Working Conditions Act; Human capital; Staff Representation; Trade Unions; Employee Remuneration; Personnel Policy; Organization and Personnel Policy Core Values.)duur(60 minutes)]

[titel(Domain D: Investing and financing)beschrijving(Explanation and practice assignments about: Asset market; Stock market; Equity nv/bv; Distribution of income with nv/bv; Long-term debt; Bond loan; Short-term debt; Financing with debt.)duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(Domain E: Marketing)beschrijving(Explanation and practice assignments about: Marketing; B2C, B2B, C2B, C2C; E-Marketing; Porter's Five Force Model; Market Segmentation; Marketing Strategy; Pricing Policy; Promotion Policy; Location Policy.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Domain F: Financial Policy)beschrijving(Explanation and exercise assignments about: Balance sheet; Difference in receipts/expenses and costs/revenues; Liquidity budget; Operating budget; Projected balance sheet; Costs; Pre-calculated sales price; Company result; Service company; Break-even analysis; Transfer pricing; Non-financial information.)duur(180 minutes)]

[titel(Domain G: Reporting)beschrijving(Explanation and practice assignments about: Financial reporting for sole proprietorship and company; Financial reporting bv/nv; Difference in company balance sheet items; Profit and loss account; Cash flow statement, cash flow; Financial indicators; Investor indicators.)duur(120 minutes)]

[titel(All domains)beschrijving(Practicing an old exam and discussing the answers afterwards.)duur(240 minutes)]

Basic programme



July 23, 2023


Here is a brief description.

45 minutes

[titel(Mathematics)beschrijving(Explanation of: Income Tax; Single Interest; Compound Interest; Search Unknown; Working with Sources.)duur(30 minutes)]

[titel(Domain B: From person to legal person)beschrijving(Explanation of: Choosing an education; Insurances; Mortgage loans; Consumer credit; Interest; Variable time; Converting percentages; Voluntary and compulsory savings; Stock exchange; Options; Renting and buying a home; Donating; Inheriting; Own business; Comparing your own business and working for an employer; Legal forms; Non-commercial legal forms; Termination of organizations; Size of organizations.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Domain C: Internal organization and personnel policy)beschrijving(Explanation of: Employment contracts and freelancers; Dismissal law; Working Conditions Act; Human capital; Staff representation; Trade unions; Employee remuneration forms; Personnel policy; Organization and personnel policy core values.)duur(30 minutes)]

[titel(Domain D: Investing and financing)beschrijving(Explanation of: Asset market; Stock market; Equity nv/bv; Distribution of income with nv/bv; Long-term debt; Bond loan; Short-term debt; Financing with debt.)duur(45 minutes)]

[titel(Domain E: Marketing)beschrijving(Explanation of: Marketing; B2C, B2B, C2B, C2C; E-Marketing; Porter's Five Force Model; Market Segmentation; Marketing Strategy; Pricing Policy; Promotion Policy; Location Policy.)duur(30 minutes)]

[titel(Domain F: Financial Policy)beschrijving(Explanation of: Balance sheet; Difference in receipts/expenses and costs/revenues; Liquidity budget; Operating budget; Projected balance sheet; Costs; Pre-calculated sales price; Company result; Service company; Break-even analysis; Transfer pricing; Non-financial information.)duur(60 minutes)]

[titel(Domain G: Reporting)beschrijving(Explanation of: Financial reporting for sole proprietorship and company; Financial reporting bv/nv; Difference in company balance sheet items; Profit and loss account; Cash flow statement; Financial indicators; Investor indicators.)duur(45 minutes)]

Abbreviated programme

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Language course

Business Economics


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