Note full = full, if you want to be sure of a spot, sign up as soon as possible.
Language Course
Are you just not getting the hang of that one subject? Are you looking for a structured way to learn a lot? With our training courses, you dive into the material very intensively.
Wil je je spreekvaardigheid verbeteren? Of wil je professionele e-mails (beter) leren schrijven? Misschien wil jij je simpelweg comfortabeler voelen in het spreken van een andere taal?
Jij leert de taal zoals jij die nodig hebt!
€31.00 per hour.
Group lessons
€15.50 per hour.
Early-bird discount
Available until April 15, 2023.
Learn structured material and study skills
More confidence and less stress
Focused and motivated learning
Learn a foreign language in a structured way
More confidence in using language
Focused and motivated learning
Biomedical Sciences
All exam material.
Working method
In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).
In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).
Differs per session, check the program for this.
[titel(Anatomy of the Brain)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Lobes; Ventricles; Functional areas; Neurons and glial cells; Brain stem; Diencephalon; Basal nuclei; Limbic system; Protective layers; Spinal cord; Central nervous system; Sheep brain.)duur(120 minuten)]
[titel(Neurotransmitters)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Action potential; Transmission of signals; Synapses; Receptors.)duur(75 minuten)]
[titel(The Eye & the Ear)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Anatomy of the eye; Pathway to the visual cortex; Phototransduction; Receptive field; Hermann grid; Light/dark adaptation; Stimuli processing; Anatomy of the vestibular system; Neural pathways and vestibular nuclei; Proprioception; Cerebellum; Cerebellar ataxia and alcohol.)duur(105 minuten)]
[titel(Decision Making)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Hick-Hyman law; Reaction time; Experiments to measure reaction time; Donder’s task; Merkel’s task; Stroop task; Simon task; Finger procuring task; Decision making; Executive functions.)duur(45 minuten)]
[titel(Speed and Accuracy)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: 3 types of movement; Kinematic parameters; AAA burst; Movement correction; Loop movements; Muscle spindle reflex; Golgi tendon reflex; Alpha-gamma coactivation.)duur(45 minuten)]
[titel(Neural Control of Movement)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Functions of motor control areas and schematic diagram; Pyrimidal and extrapyrimidal tract; Disorders; Hemiplegia; Alien-hand syndrome; Parkinson’s disease; Huntington’s disease; Ataxia.)duur(60 minuten)]
[titel(Muscle Contraction)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Muscle anatomy; Macro and microstructure; Sarcoplasmic reticulum and T Tubules; Types of skeletal muscle fibres; Motor units and fatigue; Muscle contraction and neuromuscular junctions; Sliding filament theory; Stimulation and graphs.)duur(105 minuten)]
[titel(Muscle Force and EMG)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Muscle force and torque; Work; Length-force relationship; Force-velocity and power-velocity curves; EMG-force relationship; EMG signal processing; EMG graphs; Biomechanics.)duur(60 minuten)]
[titel(Pain)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Nociceptors; Hyperalgesia, allodynia; Relay pathways; Regulation: gate-control theory; Types of pain.)duur(60 minuten)]
[titel(Learning and Memory and Stress)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: NMDA and AMPA; Types of memory; Long-term potentiation; Associativity, cooperativity and persistence; Hippocampal trisynaptic pathway; Stress and long-term depression; Emotions; Fear, anxiety, panic, stress; Short-term reaction to stress; Long-term reaction to stress; Papez circuit; Limbic system and structures involved in stress; Treatment.)duur(90 minuten)]
[titel(Final Quiz Session)beschrijving(Exam-level questions on all course topics.)duur(120 minuten)]
July 23, 2023
Here is a brief description.
45 minutes