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Language Course
Are you just not getting the hang of that one subject? Are you looking for a structured way to learn a lot? With our training courses, you dive into the material very intensively.
Wil je je spreekvaardigheid verbeteren? Of wil je professionele e-mails (beter) leren schrijven? Misschien wil jij je simpelweg comfortabeler voelen in het spreken van een andere taal?
Jij leert de taal zoals jij die nodig hebt!
€31.00 per hour.
Group lessons
€15.50 per hour.
Early-bird discount
Available until April 15, 2023.
Learn structured material and study skills
More confidence and less stress
Focused and motivated learning
Learn a foreign language in a structured way
More confidence in using language
Focused and motivated learning
All exam material
Working method
In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).
In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).
Differs per session, check the program for this.
[titel(Task 1: Measuring perception)beschrijving(Explanation on: Measuring perception; From sensation to perception [step 1-7]; Method of limits, adjustment and constant stimuli; Weber's, Fechner's and Stevens' [power] Law.)duur(90 minutes)]
[titel(Task 2 and Task 3: Retina and Colors)beschrijving(Explanation on: Retina: Structure and function; Photoreceptors; Receptive fields; Lateral inhibition. Colors: Color receptors; How we perceive colors.)duur(90 minutes)]
[titel(Task 4, 5 and 6: Visual system, Illusions, and 3D vision)beschrijving(Explanation on: Visual system: Columns and pathways structure [what, where and how]; Lateral geniculate nucleus [LGN], striate cortex; Receptive fields [more in detail than in task 2]; Simple vs complex cells; Selective rearing. Illusions: Gestalt Laws and mechanisms; Object recognition [different models]. 3D vision: Depth cues [mono and binocular]; Horopter; Disparity, stereopsis; Perceived size; Emmert's Law.)duur(180 minutes)]
[titel(Task 7 and Task 8: Auditory system and Sound localisation)beschrijving(Explanation on: Auditory system: Physical aspect of sound; Perceptual aspect of sound [loudness, pitch etc.]; Perceiving sound [structure ear]; Auditory nerve and brain structure. Sound localisation: Binaural and monaural cues; Auditory pathway; Separating sounds; Scale illusions; Fourier analysis.)duur(135 minutes)]
[titel(Task 9: Speech perception)beschrijving(Explanation on: Speech perception; Production of vowels and consonants; McGurk effect; Phonemic restoration effect; Speech perception and brain structures.)duur(45 minutes)]
[titel(Practice exam)beschrijving(Practice exam + discussion.)duur(120 minutes)]
July 23, 2023
Here is a brief description.
45 minutes
[titel(Task 1, Task 2, and Task 3: Measuring perception, Retina, and Colors)beschrijving(Explanation on: Measuring Perception; Retina; Colours.)duur(90 minutes)]
[titel(Task 4, 5, and 6: Visual system, Illusions, and 3D vision)beschrijving(Explanation on: Columns and pathways; From visual shapes to object recognition; 3D vision.)duur(135 minutes)]
[titel(Task 7, Task 8, and Task 9: Auditory system, Sound localisation, and Speech perception)beschrijving(Explanation on: Auditory system; Making sense of sounds; Speech perception.)duur(90 minutes)]